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Understanding the Working Principles of IFTTT Devices

12 July 2020

Before the emergence of smart innovations and technologies, a lot of people used to do everything manually. Most of them swiftly do everything by hand – turning on or off a switch, rotating a knob, or operating any handy tool and device. But as time passes by, more and more people are enticed and drawn on the presence of smart devices. They even embrace these devices as they boast some sort of enhanced convenience, accessibility, and versatility.

What makes smart devices, “smart,” is their full integration with If This Then That (IFTTT). As we all know, most devices these days can be connected to the internet. From refrigerator units to a simple lightbulb, almost all devices and appliances that you can think of now are now capable of internet connectivity. This internet connectivity allows these devices to be controlled manually or accessed remotely. Smart devices, with the help of IFTTT, can also operate and perform specific functions automatically.

Basic Principles of If This Then That

IFTTT is simply a freeware web-based service that generates a wide variety of simple conditional statements to perform a specific action when a specific situation happens. The simple conditional statements, which are also known as applets, allow web-based applications and devices to perform a bunch of simple actions automatically as soon as something happens. For instance, if a person in Facebook likes a photo, then a separate but specific web-based application will save the liked photo to the archive of the same person. Another example is that if a home security device detects the approaching vehicle of the owner, then it will automatically authorise the main gate to be opened.

Integrating IF This Then That to Devices

All parts of the IFTTT are still set by the users. However, what makes it special and unique is that all devices connected to such service can automatically detect triggers and promptly perform corresponding actions all the time. The triggers, which is the “This” part of IFTTT, are the main reasons why a specific device must and will do something. Doing anything out of the triggers are left to the “That” part of IFTTT. Applets, after all, allow smart devices to work and function optimally.

For smart devices to be effective and efficient, users typically set them up to apps and services for them to know and remember every pre-set trigger and their corresponding actions. Apps and services also allow multiple smart devices to be connected and work together. So, technically, several devices can easily react on a single trigger by running automated tasks simultaneously.

Living with If This Then That Devices

Living or even working with IFTTT devices can easily make every day-to-day function and task more seamless. IFTTT makes smart devices work intelligently, waiting for a specific situation or signal to happen before performing appropriate actions. Like a human body reflex, IFTTT devices can immediately react to their surroundings without waiting for their owner’s approval. Any intended actions for smart devices are then set by the integration of a voice assistant to the whole roster of IFTTT devices.

Some of the best IFTTT devices that can be installed at homes or any other properties include air quality monitors, washing machines, refrigerators, security systems, heating devices, lighting, television, and many more. These devices can surely work very well if the IFTTT set-up is done correctly.

If you need help with IFTTT devices, feel free to contact us at Electrical & Data Networks. We provide a full range of electrical, data, and security services for commercial and specialised residential services. We service the entire Melbourne metropolitan area, and our team of skilled experts can easily provide high-quality service, reliability, and are fully licenced.

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